We’ve got two items to announce this week, folks.
First we’ll start with Bing Webmaster Guidelines. These guidelines can be found in the Help section of Bing Webmaster, under the Content Guidelines section. These Webmaster guidelines are broad, but provide guidance on major points such as:
Technical SEO
Social Media
Things to Avoid
As we update these guidelines over time, we’ll post notices here at the blog to let folks know to review the changes. Changes should be infrequent as these current Webmaster Guidelines cover most major topics. They are not exhaustive and you should not expect to find deep, technical answers in them. They are intended to help most business owners understand the broad strokes of search marketing.
Next on the agenda is an announcement for Bing Webmaster Webinars we’ll be hosting starting later this month. We’re going to be holding six (6) webinars across different topics during November, December, January and February. These webinars are free, and will be recorded for future viewing as well. The format will be roughly 30 minutes of presentation followed by some time for open Q&A on the topic of the webinar with the host (Duane Forrester). Here’s a list of the topics and their dates:
SEO 101 - November 28 @ 12 Noon EST
In our SEO 101 webinar, we'll discuss the key areas you should focus on when optimizing your website for search. We will cover on-page (technical) aspects, on-page (non-technical) aspects and off-page factors which influence your results.
Crawling Basics - December 11 @ 12 Noon EST
In our Crawling Basics webinar we'll examine ways to ensure robots can see and crawl your content. We will also examine common reasons why your site may not be fully crawled.
WMT Overview - January 10 @ 12 Noon EST
In our Bing Webmaster Tools Overivew webinar we'll take a walk through the tools and understand the depth of data available, and see how to set up and use tools like the SEO Analyzer, Link Explorer and Crawl Controls.
Authority Building - January 24 @ 12 Noon EST
In our Authority Building webinar, we'll discuss why it is important to focus on Authority Building, how to build it and what benefits it brings to your business.
Search / Social Overlap - February 7 @ 12 Noon EST
In our Search and Social overlap webinar we'll examine how and why Social impacts search results. Discover why Social is a leading factor in Search and how to leverage it for your business.
Tomorrow's SEO - February 21 @ 12 Noon EST
In our Tomorrow's SEO webinar we'll review critical skills an SEO will need to work as the space evolves. We'll also examine how search itself is changing and what you need to know to align with those changes.
If you miss a webinar, don’t worry, as we’ll post the recordings here at the Bing Webmaster Blog for everyone to watch.
Sign up for the webinars here. All six webinars are open for registration. Make sure you have Flash installed so you can watch these live, online webinars.