Since we introduced Bing for Windows 8 in October, we have been continuously updating the app. Today we are releasing an update that includes touch friendly video results as well as web and image results. Available in 12 countries, the update makes it easier to scan, explore and discover videos.
Easily Scan Results with Infinite Scroll
We’re introducing video results in Bing for Windows 8 app with touch friendly Infinite Scroll. Infinite Scroll gives you a quick and easy way to view virtually unlimited videos by simply scrolling across the page.
Explore & Discover Videos with Smart Motion Thumbnails
Scrolling through one giant page of video results is a nice start, but we don’t stop there. Who wants to wait for a video to load before finding out if it’s worth watching? We don’t that’s why this update includes our exclusive Smart Motion Thumbnails that let you watch a preview of results without having to wait for the video to load. Simply tap a video result thumbnail with a play icon in the lower right hand corner, or mouse over the thumbnail image, to start the video preview. Tap again or mouse away to stop the preview video. Click on the text description to the right to go to the full video.
Pinch for Related Searches with Semantic Zoom
If the search results aren’t exactly what you were looking for, Bing has made finding related searches even easier. Just place two fingers on the search results screen and pinch to get related search queries. This feature is called Semantic Zoom and is also available for the web and image results.
To experience video search results for yourself in the Bing for Windows 8 app, just update the app once in the Windows Store and video results will appear in your next search. If you’ve already updated the Bing for Windows 8 app once, the video results will automatically appear in your next search. You don’t need to do anything.
Please let us know what you think of the video results in the Bing for Windows 8 app in the comments below or on Twitter (@Bing).
- Sara Borthwick, Senior Product Manager, Bing